Sunday, November 19, 2006


As a driving instructor I sometimes get into these odd situations. Until now I only had 4 accidents in 20 years. All of them were stupid things except one! It happened during a first lesson and there wasn't much we could do about it. We were driving on "De Noorderlaan" near Metropolis. We just had stopped at the red lights when a bus came from the bridge behind us. I was looking in my mirror to see if she would stop for us... I must have had this feeling that something was wrong! Anyway she stopped nicely behind us but quite close! You know busses sometimes do!!!! Anyway, nothing happened until suddenly we get hit very hard from behind. I looked in my mirror again to find out that the bus behind us just had crashed into us! I couldn't understand it cause didn't I just had seen her stop!? Then why would this bus suddenly hit us!? I couldn't figure it out... I was talking to my student who was in shock cause it was her first time behind the wheel and she started to panic. After I calmed her down I got out of the car to find out what really happened, just to realize that behind this bus there was another bus! This last one couldn't stop because his breaks didn't work! So he hit the first bus who hit us! My student finished the lesson and then cancelled all her other lessons. This girl lives not so far from where I live and I see her sometimes walking on the street cause she never ever learned how to drive and that accident happened about 18years ago!