Thursday, November 16, 2006

At the gym

Sooner or later we all will find ourselfs at the gym. I sometimes go if I find the time in between work and judging which isn't always easy! Most of the time I'm too tired to do anything there... that's when I usually decide not to go! Anyway, we all have the experience when you first go to the gym you don't know what to do. Shall I lift weights or will I do cardio first? You look at all the "perfect" people there and think.... what am I doing here? Why can't I look like them? But that's why you're here for isn't it? You can look like them if you work hard enough, drink hard enough, swallow hard enough and inject hard enough..... and before you know it, you're one of them! At the beginning it always feel strange so you're happy that somebody will tell you exactly what to do so that you don't make a fool out of yourself but if nobody is willing to help.....
this could happen:
