Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Stars on Ice"

I just got back from "Proximus Stars on Ice" where I've seen some of the best skaters in the world! The stars were; Jozef Sabovcik, Brian Orser, Margarita Drobiazko & Povilas Vanagas, Irina Slutskaya, Tatiana Navka & Roman Kostomarov and Tatiana Totmianina & Maxim Marinin. The Belgian skater's were Ruben Blommaert and Isabelle Pieman who skated a very nice program to Celine Dion. However from all the stars present it was our own Kevin Van der Perren who stole the show! You could see that Kevin really loves to show what he can and the public just loved him for that! We were lucky having so many people present on the ice who in one way or another broke some kind of record in figure skating! Sabovcik the first guy to land a quadruple jump in competition, Orser the first to land a triple Axel in competition and Kevin who was the first ever to land a jump combination of three consecutive triple jumps! Then there were the Olympics.....Orser 2nd place in 1988, Sabovcik 3th place in 1984, Slutskaya 2nd in 2002 & 3rd in 2006, Navka&Kostomarov 1st in 2006 and Totmianina&Marinin 1st in 2006 who all have treated us with some wonderful programs.
