As cute as a Panda
10 years ago I went to the ZOO in Canton China to see a real Panda Bear! Seeing them was great! I never expected them to be so big! When you see them in movie's or cartoons they always look so sweet just like the teddy bear you had as a kid. I was there with Brigitte Adam another Belgian ISU judge who stopped judging a couple of years ago. Anyway, that day there where a lot of schoolchildren visiting the ZOO and the Panda Bears as well. At one point Brigitte turned to me and said: don't you notice something? I looked around and didn't see anything special. She said take a good look...which I did but still didn't see anything special! It was than that she said: look at all the kids...they're looking at you not at the Panda's! It seemed that I was the attraction because I'm so tall compared to the little Chinese children and on top of that I was very tanned and wore something white..... Every time when these children passed me they all would bow for me which was strange as if I was a GOD or I have to admit: I was more active than the Panda Bears anyway cause they were just lying around doing nothing. This brings me to the question; "have you ever wondered what animals held in captivity in a Zoo think when they're just lying there....."
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10 years ago I went to the ZOO in Canton China to see a real Panda Bear! Seeing them was great! I never expected them to be so big! When you see them in movie's or cartoons they always look so sweet just like the teddy bear you had as a kid. I was there with Brigitte Adam another Belgian ISU judge who stopped judging a couple of years ago. Anyway, that day there where a lot of schoolchildren visiting the ZOO and the Panda Bears as well. At one point Brigitte turned to me and said: don't you notice something? I looked around and didn't see anything special. She said take a good look...which I did but still didn't see anything special! It was than that she said: look at all the kids...they're looking at you not at the Panda's! It seemed that I was the attraction because I'm so tall compared to the little Chinese children and on top of that I was very tanned and wore something white..... Every time when these children passed me they all would bow for me which was strange as if I was a GOD or I have to admit: I was more active than the Panda Bears anyway cause they were just lying around doing nothing. This brings me to the question; "have you ever wondered what animals held in captivity in a Zoo think when they're just lying there....."
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