Friday, November 17, 2006

Get ready for TOM!

Today's topic on Belgian artists is about Syntax Error's drummer Tom Welslau! Tom is an all-round drummer who can find himself into Funk and Soul and R&B and from Jazz to Folk but Punk is what he really loves! That's where his heart is! Previous to "Syntax Error" Tom played drums in the folk group "Flooi" who even played the bigger venues here in Belgium. Since Folk isn't what Tom wanted to play for the rest of his life he left the group to join "Syntax Error". "Syntax Error" still rehearsing and working hard for their big break has a lot of potential! I had the honor to see them once live and I must stay they rock!!! They have a front man with a lot of charisma and we all know that having the X-factor is very important these days when you want to make it big! Music video's dominate the TV screens these days so you better look good, strange or weird but a normal, ordinary guy with a good voice.... is lost before he starts! The front man of "Syntax Error" has both the weird look and a good voice! Remember you've heard it here first! "Syntax Error" is the Punk group for the future!
Here are some pictures from Tom at work in the studio and on stage with "Flooi"!
Unfortunately girls (and boys)......Tom already has a girlfriend!

For all info on "Syntax Error" for your next party or Tom as a drummer on your next recording just send an email to:
