Tomorrow I'm going to Duinkerke, France to judge my first Adult competition ever... I wonder what will happen cause I've heard from other judges that it sometimes can be hilarious... Robbie, a judge from USA once told me that at one of their Adult Competitions a 75 year old lady skated to "It's raining men" trying to be very sexy! He said that he had to look the other way not to laugh..... I think I would die if I see something like that tomorrow or the day after. So wish me good luck, that I don't burst out in laughter! Maybe I see Belgian "Super Star" Kurt Van Tricht their as well cause he likes to skate at such competitions. He sometimes wins a medal like at the Out Games this year in Montreal. I know that I'm gonna meet another person I never met before but know quite well from talking to on the phone! I remember I hung up on her cause she couldn't take a no for an answer! LOL
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