"Brabo & Antigoon"
Antwerp is for people who live in Antwerp "THE" City of Belgium! If you haven't been in Antwerp once you were in Belgium, you haven't been to Belgium I would say! If you haven't noticed... I do live in Antwerp and I'm proud of it! Most Belgians think that we, the people from Antwerp have big heads! ("Dikke Nekken" as we say!) As you know most city's come with a legend and that's what I would explain here.
The legend of Brabo and Antigoon. Brabo once killed a giant, called Druon Antigoon, who lived in a castle by the river Scheldt and asked money from people who wanted to pass by his castle on the river Scheldt. When they didn't want to pay, he cut of their hand and threw it in the river. Because of this Brabo a boats man himself also removed the hand of the giant, and threw it away (in the water) which explains the legend behind the name of the city "Antwerp" (Hand throwing)! This mythical story is still shown by the statue in front of the Antwerp City Hall.

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