Tuesday, October 31, 2006

HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS # 2 Towering Inferno

In 1974 Hollywood released the movie "The Towering Inferno" which created a big hype at the time and gave Hollywood a new boost to release more "disaster" movies... The movie had an all star cast with people like; Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway, Fred Astair, William Holden, Paul Newman and Richard Chamberlain just to name a few. All of them were great actors and already legends. They would made this movie a big hit and an "Hollywood Classic"! Even today this movie entertains audiences all over the world when shown on TV. It was also the first movie ever to receive an "Oscar" for special effects! Many years ago we had a fire in the apartment building where I live! Although I live on the 4th floor and the fire was on one of the floors above me I've never been so fast out of the door! I always had said if there ever will be a fire I will take this & that and safe this & that & those..... but when it was for real I only brought myself and my dog Jenna which was a Bouvier with me. She was afraid of going down the stairs so I had to carry her all the way down! Lucky me it was only for four floors! Last week in Hartford, CT there was a fire drill during the day, at 11am to be exact. The next morning however at 6am the alarm went off again but this time it was for real! There was a fire at the Hilton hotel and no the fire was not created by Paris! It started somewhere in the boiler room they said on TV. This time I had to walk down from the 10th floor which wasn't too bad knowing that the building has 22 stories....... The funny part was that now I actually could see what people "really" look like when they get out of bed so early......especially some of the woman without any make-up. Italian skater Valentina Marchei must have read my mind cause when I past her she said "you think you still will recognize me tonight?" She had to skate her free program that night!
