Monday, October 23, 2006

At 2 "something" changed my life...

Me at the age of two
"I started off when I was two" is a one-liner used by Diana Ross in her show when she looks back on her career with the Supremes. For Diana Ross it may be a one-liner but for me it is the truth. I fell in love with the sound of her voice when I was two so I can actually say "It started off for me when I was two!" At that time in my life I didn't know who Diana Ross was cause she was only the lead singer of The Supremes! Later they would become "Diana Ross & The Supremes" --- in fact not that much later cause the song I love so much is " The happening" and was the last song released under the name "The Supremes". Anyway, every time I heard that song I went crazy if I may believe my parents! After a couple of weeks they got me the 45" (single). For those who don't know what a single's black vinyl and you play it on a turntable. After a couple of days I was singing and dancing along with the record! I couldn't speak much at the age of two and definitely not in English! LOL I must have driven my parents nuts by singing along to that song. Years would pass by and every now and then I will hear "this voice" on the radio not knowing who it is. In the late seventies Diana Ross starred as Dorothy in the movie "The Wiz" together with Michael Jackson. All kids at the skating rink were in love with Michael but I liked the sound of Diana Ross' voice! One day my dad said that there was a show on TV starring Diana Ross. In this show she only sang one song from "The Wiz" being "Home". "Home" came on as the 5th or 6th song during the show but by then I was already mesmerized by what I had seen! The opening of that show "At Caesars Palace" was FANTASTIC!!! If you like glitz and glamour that's the opening you have to see for yourself! From then on I started to collect all Diana's albums and single's but only her solo work although I had run into some of her work with "The Supremes" I never had felt the urge of buying those! I already had collected some of Diana's other single's like "Do you know where you're going to", "Love hangover", "Upside down" and many more... When I went for the first time to Florida I finally bought a "Diana Ross & The Supremes" album. It was their greatest hits album. When I came home I played the entire album only to fall from one surprise into another! Most of the songs on that album I knew for years! Actually I could sing them one by one but than again.....who doesn't know songs like "Baby love", "Where did our love go", "You can't hurry love" and "You keep me hangin' on"!? Even if you don't like them you know the lyrics. On that same album there was a song called "The Happening" and when I played it, it brought back all these memories! I couldn't remember I had that 45" but my mother told me the story from when I was two years old --- and yes.....she was right! I still had that single so it suddenly occurred to me that it had been Diana's voice I was hearing every time I heard these supreme songs on the radio but never did put one and one together...

Here's a link to that great song made popular by "Diana Ross & The Supremes" live on "The Ed Sullivan show"!
