Monday, December 18, 2006

"A foggy day at Brussels airport"

I just got back from Jaca where I had to judge the Spanish Championships and conduct a seminar on the ISU Judging System. One should think that Spain is warm..... think again! It was cold! -3° in Jaca and on top of that the ice rink is one of the coldest in Spain! As you see judging isn't always fun...although I had a great time going out and seeing some of my friends again! Yvan, Dani, Lorenzo & Saioa just to name a few. On my arrival in Brussels we didn't get approval to land because of the fog so we flew above Brussels for one and a half hour! At one point the pilot came over the speaker to ask if all passengers could check one more time if all electronic devices were turned off cause we were going to face a very difficult landing and that he wanted to make sure that nothing could interfere with the navigation system of the plane. Everybody must have realized the seriousness of this message cause we all checked everything twice... We had a great landing but even on the goround I couldn't see the ground! I've never seen fog so thick!
