Sunday, November 26, 2006

"SUSHI" - it will be!

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Japan to judge "NHK-Trophy" in Nagano. Except from the long journey I really look forward to go to Japan. More than 12 hours on a plane followed by a 4 hour bus ride to Nagano is long but I love to go to Japan! Not that I think that Japan is such a great country, no... it's for the food! I love Japanese food! Give me the "Sushi's"! I love raw fish with rice and vegetables and the "Teriyaki" dishes are just to die for! In Japanese cuisine, sushi is a food made of vinegared rice combined with various toppings or fillings, which includes seafood and can also include meat, vegetables, mushrooms, or eggs. Sushi toppings may be raw, cooked, or marinated. Sushi as an English word has come to refer to the complete dish (rice together with toppings) this is the sense used in this article. The original term Japanese: sushi (-zushi in some compounds such as makizushi) in the Japanese language refers to the rice, not the fish or other toppings. In the Western world, sushi is often misunderstood to mean only clumps of rice topped with raw fish, or to refer to other raw-seafood dishes, such as sashimi (sushi and sashimi are considered distinct in Japan).
There are various types of sushi. Sushi served rolled in nori (dried sheets of laver, a kind of pressed and dried alga) is called maki (rolls). Sushi made with toppings laid onto hand-formed clumps of rice is called nigiri; sushi made with toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu is called inari; and sushi made with toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice is called chirashi-zushi, or scattered sushi. Anyway..... I eat it all! Wish I was there already...