Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11th of the month...

Coincidence or not... but today October 11th a small plane crashed into a New-York apartment building. Up to now nobody knows if it is another terrorist attack or just an accident! Anyway, seeing these images brings back the memories of September 11th 2001. This is a day we may not forget! As a kid, to me, these building were the face of New-York. As you know each city has his own skyline but the twin towers gave New-York this special something that made this city his skyline different from any other city in the world! The first time I ever saw them was in the video for Rod Stewards single "Sailing". After seeing movies like "King Kong" where Kong jumps from one tower to the other and The Wiz where Diana Ross gets her chance to finally see the wiz, I knew I wanted to see those towers in real life! I really got fascinated by these buildings! In 1996 (10 years ago and 5 years before they were destroyed) I had the chance to go to New-York but didn't had the time to go inside. I never will..... I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I found out about the first plane that slammed into one of the towers. I was driving with a student on the "Kon. Elisabethlaan" in Kontich when I received a message on my phone from my dad saying that a plane had crashed into one of the buildings. I remember not being surprised cause with three major airports in the neighborhood anything can happen so I didn't give it much attention. A couple of minutes later I got another one saying that a second plane had hit the second tower! I knew that this wasn't right! After I completed my lesson I canceled all other lessons of the day to go home to watch television what was really happening! While I was seeing these images I started thinking on all my friends in the U.S. especially the one's in New-York, like Robbie, Lucie, Ann & Coco. After that I realized that normally I had to be in New-York that day! I was going to judge the Junior Grand Prix in Phoenix one week later and decided to spend one week of vacation in New-York the week before the event. If my boss wouldn't had turned down my vacation I was in New-York from September 10th until the 15th now I was leaving for Phoenix on the 17th and was going to Los Angeles after the competition instead. Three days later we found out that the competition was canceled and that we couldn't fly to the U.S. anyway...... It was a great relieve that all of my friends in New-York were ok!

This is a must see video in memory of 9/11, a day we may not forget!!!
