Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Not on the menu...

In 1985 Diana Ross recorded the song "Eaten alive" with "Michael Jackson" and "The Bee Gees" as background singers. I once could have been eaten alive but that day this animal wasn't hungry enough to start eating me. Anyway, a couple of years ago I went to French Polynesia on vacation and when we arrived there (I brought my mom - was less expensive) I wanted to go for a swim. From the plane I could already see that the water was nice but that nobody was swimming in the ocean, everybody was swimming in the pool! I couldn't understand it cause the ocean was just to beautiful! I had to jump in right away. After we had landed and took the boat to our Island Resort I was more than convinced that as soon as we arrived at our beach bungalow I would go for a swim and so I did! My mom started to unpacking our suitcases when I was heading for the water. I just ran in cause the water wasn't cold at all! I just kept on walking and walking until the water came halfway my chest! I was just enjoying the view when suddenly my heart stopped beating! At about 5 meters away from me there was this fin sticking out of the water! All I could think of was SHARK! He swam in a circle around me but stayed on the surface so that I could see his fin. It was then that turned myself very slowly not trying to get his attention! LOL The shark must have noticed me ever since I ran into the water splashing around like crazy. Anyway, as soon as I was facing the beach I started to walk very slowly towards it, following his every single move. As soon as the water reached my hips I started to go a little faster and by the time the water came to my knees I started to run! I never ran so fast in my entire life I guess. When I came back into our little beach bungalow. My mom was still unpacking the suitcases when I got in. She looked at me and said; that was a quick swim. I looked at her and told her about the shark. At first she wouldn't believe me but when I showed her his fin (he was still in the bay swimming around) she did! That night at the restaurant I told our waitress about my little adventure. She looked at me in disbelieve saying; haven't you read the manual? No I didn't. So when I got back to our bungalow the first thing I did was to read the manual which says that it was forbidden to go into the ocean because of the many sharks on the Islands. They were talking about; Tiger Sharks, Hammerhead Sharks, Blue Sharks and even the Great White Sharks have been seen in the waters around Polynesia! Till today I haven't figured out what kind of shark it was and I haven't been in an ocean or sea ever since, at least not completely that is. Only to my knees cause you never know what swims under you. All I know is on that day I wasn't part of this sharks menu..... Can you imagine... a shark eating me while it is me who loves "Shark fin soup"!

Here are a few links to some real shark attacks! Only for the brave!!!
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuZas8_GJhU&mode=related&search

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgop2vs4S-c&NR

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKjxq43Vz8s

This one is quite intense! I DO WARN YOU!!!:
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CO3dngqO7Q
